Journalism-Seminar for young Journalists from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Russia
Berlin, 16. – 24. November 2013
Theme: Minorities in an Open Society; are minorities the majority?
“The true character of a society becomes transparent by the way it treats its minorities.”
In this regard the German society has undergone a lot of developments within the last 50 and 100 years; yet many will argue, that there is still a good way to go.
What are minorities, can there be a clear definition, is this the same for any society? What is then the majority?
How does the modern German society treat its minorities, which lessons can be learned in this field specifically in Berlin?
How can and should all of this be reflected in the societies of the participants of the seminar?
The participants of this seminar will get an overview insight into the situation around minorities in Germany.
The above points will be discussed using selected examples from the field of ethnical minorities, sexual minorities and the handicapped.
This one-week journalism-seminar is also aimed at enabling young journalists to get an in-depth insight into the work of a German daily newspaper and further German media; as well as work on the topic above.
During their stay in Berlin the participants will take part in thorough lessons covering journalistic basics as well as some specific subjects. In the second half of the seminar the participants will have time for own research; also meetings and talks with relevant actors in the field of the main subject will take place.
While in Berlin, during the seminar, the participants are expected to complete an article covering a topic within the general field of “minorities”.
Further information:
The trip to Berlin takes place individually or in groups from the respective countries. The type of transportation (plane, train, bus) is agreed between participants and organizers. XXX Accomodation in Berlin will be in 2or3-bed-rooms. XXX The seminar covers the costs for the arrival and departure, traffic in Berlin, bed and breakfast, and most meals. XXX Participants must be ready to spend own funds up to a maximum of 50 Euro for the other meals (most likely it will be much less than 50 Euro).
Requirements for participation:
Working as a journalist in newspaper, agency or online.
Knowledge of the Russian language.
Knowledge of German (especially with this topic!!) and / or English is an advantage
Interested applicants please send their documents (in Russian, English or German language):
XX a current resume (CV) (including their knowledge of languages)
XX a letter of motivation for participation in the seminar not longer than one page (including mail addresses of two reference persons, from the field of journalism).
Please let us know if you have a valid visa for the relevant period. This is for organizational purposes only and is not relevant for the success of the application.
Please send only these two documents; either in word or pdf. Please name the files as follows:
(lastName.CV< ; lastName.motivation<)
Applications not later than 10.10.2013 (midnight, Berlin time) and any questions to:
Organized by:
taz-Panterstiftung, MitOst e.V.; Barbara Oertel (taz), Peter Liesegang (off-rabbit transitions)
Berlin, 16. – 24. November 2013
Theme: Minorities in an Open Society; are minorities the majority?
“The true character of a society becomes transparent by the way it treats its minorities.”
In this regard the German society has undergone a lot of developments within the last 50 and 100 years; yet many will argue, that there is still a good way to go.
What are minorities, can there be a clear definition, is this the same for any society? What is then the majority?
How does the modern German society treat its minorities, which lessons can be learned in this field specifically in Berlin?
How can and should all of this be reflected in the societies of the participants of the seminar?
The participants of this seminar will get an overview insight into the situation around minorities in Germany.
The above points will be discussed using selected examples from the field of ethnical minorities, sexual minorities and the handicapped.
This one-week journalism-seminar is also aimed at enabling young journalists to get an in-depth insight into the work of a German daily newspaper and further German media; as well as work on the topic above.
During their stay in Berlin the participants will take part in thorough lessons covering journalistic basics as well as some specific subjects. In the second half of the seminar the participants will have time for own research; also meetings and talks with relevant actors in the field of the main subject will take place.
While in Berlin, during the seminar, the participants are expected to complete an article covering a topic within the general field of “minorities”.
Further information:
The trip to Berlin takes place individually or in groups from the respective countries. The type of transportation (plane, train, bus) is agreed between participants and organizers. XXX Accomodation in Berlin will be in 2or3-bed-rooms. XXX The seminar covers the costs for the arrival and departure, traffic in Berlin, bed and breakfast, and most meals. XXX Participants must be ready to spend own funds up to a maximum of 50 Euro for the other meals (most likely it will be much less than 50 Euro).
Requirements for participation:
Working as a journalist in newspaper, agency or online.
Knowledge of the Russian language.
Knowledge of German (especially with this topic!!) and / or English is an advantage
Interested applicants please send their documents (in Russian, English or German language):
XX a current resume (CV) (including their knowledge of languages)
XX a letter of motivation for participation in the seminar not longer than one page (including mail addresses of two reference persons, from the field of journalism).
Please let us know if you have a valid visa for the relevant period. This is for organizational purposes only and is not relevant for the success of the application.
Please send only these two documents; either in word or pdf. Please name the files as follows:
(lastName.CV< ; lastName.motivation<)
Applications not later than 10.10.2013 (midnight, Berlin time) and any questions to:
Organized by:
taz-Panterstiftung, MitOst e.V.; Barbara Oertel (taz), Peter Liesegang (off-rabbit transitions)